Be proactive, take initiative. We've heard it every time. But how are we going to do it? I just figured out few minutes ago, before typing the 1st letter into this post, that it's impossible to stuff all our appointments into our timetable, without reasonable time for rest. As we know, whenever you step out and meet people, you're putting your own reputation on the line. In order to improve your personal reputation you must make preparation beforehand for the appointment and post mortem as well.
Now back to the main topic. The book of ecclesiastes is an emo book in the bible. The spoiler is out, and as we know there's only 2 things we need to be reminded. Enjoy what you have. Edrick told me 3 years ago that you must enjoy whatever you have & one of my friend mentioned it yesterday as well.
2ndly, the Lord is the ultimate judge in everybody's actions. . We do not need to prove the atheist wrong, or to prove a point to anyone, just for the sake of proving a point.
That's al I can figure out for now. I learn a few phrases though. 'You don't need to prove the atheist wrong'.